Tips for Keeping Your Mattress Clean and Germ-Free

Published on 31 August 2018

Posted in Blog

Cleaning your bed keeps it free from stains, odours, moulds, and dust mites, including disease-causing bacteria and viruses. You just need two things in dealing with them: vinegar and baking soda.

How to Clean a Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar

  1. Strip off the bedding and cushion covers and wash them carefully using hot water to kill dust mites. While soaking them in warm water, add ½ to 1 cup of vinegar to soften the sheets and remove bad odours.
  2. Baking soda is a powerful deodorizing agent for your bed. Sprinkling baking soda over your bed and leaving it on for more than 30 minutes will remove bad odours. After that, use the upholstery attachment available on your vacuum to remove the sprinkled baking soda.

baking soda and vinegar

How to Clean a Mattress Stain

When removing stains, always use a small amount of liquid cleaning solution to keep your bed’s interior padding dry. Excessive moisture may damage the timber inside the bed and cause mildew and mould growth. Likewise, you should clean the stain as fast as you can. Avoid scrubbing or rubbing the excess liquids. Blot the stains and apply pressure to remove them completely.

Upholstery cleaners are suitable for most stains. Check the label and follow the given instructions carefully. Again, make sure you use the solution at the smallest amount possible to avoid oversaturating your bed.

You can also use natural cleaning agents in removing tough stains. Spray the vinegar all over and sprinkle the baking soda afterwards. Let the mixture bubble and cover the bed with a towel for one to two hours. Use the vacuum nozzle to remove the excess baking soda.dirt stains on mattress

How to Treat Bloodstains

You can use 3% hydrogen peroxide for bloodstains but check first your bedding for colourfastness. Hydrogen peroxide can act as a bleaching solution which may harm fabrics. You can either spray it when treating a bigger area or apply it on cotton buds for smaller spots to clean.

Blot the stains with a white cloth. Allow the solution to sit for another five to 10 minutes before rinsing with cold water. Blot the treated part to dry, and repeat the procedure if necessary.

How to Remove Urine Stains and Odorus

For urine, you can blot the excess liquid with a towel. Mix two tablespoons of baking soda, a tablespoon of dishwashing soap, and a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can spray the mixture or use a cloth dipped in this solution to treat tough stains like urine. Leave it there for 24 hours and wipe or vacuum the excess baking soda. Repeat the procedure for the lingering odours. You can also blot the spot with fabric moistened with vinegar.

A plastic bed bag can help in treating odours on your bed. Sprinkle baking soda all over, put the cushion in the plastic bag, and keep it sealed for one to two days. On the third day, take the cushion out of the bag and vacuum it.

Baking soda and vinegar are two affordable home remedies that can effectively remove tough stains and unpleasant odours on your mattress. Follow the steps given above and be amazed at the results.

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